
Our Speakers

The upcoming European Revenue Conference in Berlin will feature a host of influential speakers and renowned media experts from top companies including Formula.Monks, The Irish Times, The Spectator and many more. Throughout the day, they’ll be taking a deep dive into key topical issues like AI technology, big data, the changing face of advertising and much more. Their aim? To give you the practical tools, knowledge and insights you need to increase revenue and stay ahead in this competitive landscape.

CEO Formula Monks and Entrepreneur
Head of Digital Media Solutions, The Irish Times
Editor In Chief, The Audiencers and Head of International, Poool
Strategy Partner, Atlas
Chief Digital Officer at Denník N, Slovakia
Managing Director, FT Strategies
Customer Strategy, Data and Insight Specialist & Independent Consultant
Co-founder, The Daily Maverick, South Africa
Partner at Axel Springer hy, Berlin, Germany
Project Director, Product & Consumer Division, Schibsted Media
Vice President, Global Advertising, The New York Times
Author of Mastering Digital Transformation and Digital Transformation Specialist
CEO, WELT Group, Axel Springer
Chief Digital Officer, Brand Community Network
Chief Commercial Officer, Politiken
Managing Director, Wessenden Marketing
Global Head of Consumer Research, The Economist
Welcome to Booth.

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